Guidelines for Bella & Grace Culture

Saturday, May 28, 2011

What's a great way to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon in Melbourne?

Dear readers,
today we took the best option for a rainy day and headed off to the movies. Didn't like our chances with something called The Hangover part...., so we chose a french film - Incendies.
What a great movie with a completely unexpected twist. Really take the time and head out to a Palace Cinema for this one. It is fairly brutal in parts and leaves you quite conflicted. Are they better off knowing or not knowing? Loved the music too - especially the bits from Radiohead.
Here's a link but the description is very two dimensional and the film is certainly far from on it. Based on the description alone you could chose to miss this one - don't - give it a go.
Havppy viewing
Ciao from B&G

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Saturday Hunting & Gathering at its' best!

Hi all,
today we've been off to the warehouse sales - very productive day it was too!
As a result we're loving a new hat for winter. Now we are channelling Evangeline from the House of Elliot in this one. Bargain at $20 on sale at Coussinet. Sign up and you can go too, next time there is a sale. Found this one on the Missy Confidential list. Popped over to Country Road just in case they had any little bargains for us too. Got a great swing knit in Olive green - will look just gorgeous with a pencil skirt and a smart pair of heals. Best of all was the jacket we had been looking for to match a pair of trousers snapped up last month. Thanks to a lovely 50% sale - got the jacket for $90. Now have a great new winter suit - sure no one will know it is last season's - it's a classic and the cut is still very much this season. We are such bargaining finding little fashionistas and like always - continue to show Good Grace. Love spreading that dollar a long way for a lot of return - fun hunting and gathering today!
Ciao from B&G

Next Spot for weekend hunting & gathering?

We just love planning our next spot for hunting and gathering. You have to be really patient with this stuff and make a day of it - coffee stops, lunch and all!
We're thinking this weeking we'll have a try at the Willow Warehouse sale. You just never know! Last weekend's efforts were certainly successful, so hope we have the same luck this weekend.
As it gets closer to the end of financial year we find lots of good bargains come our way and we once more shop with our motto - NPR. Never pay retail - unless you really are desperate and just absolutely can't wait or it's just so special you'll never see it again. We love spreading our retail dollar as far as we can and count the bags as we load them into the car!
Remember to go with an open mind and be prepared for nothing more than a good day out and lunch with a few friends. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
Ciao from B&G