Dear Readers,
it's been a while, but life has been eventful. Travelled all the way to Europe and back and didn't manage to Blog once! Now we are fully into the dreaded Christmas shopping mode and all the retailers who are telling us we must come spend with them. Well for us, we are going to be very creative this year. All of the gift buying will be done at outlets where ever possible. Why pay full price? Sorry retailers - there are just too many of you with all the same things on offer. Our Bible for finding these outlets is usually
Missy Confidential. Sometimes we are let down, but mostly we are delighted and the fun really is in the chase. Today we got along to the
Bloom Cosmetics sale at Bloom HQ in Richmond. You can still get along there tomorrow, so don't miss out. It's cash only, but is great for stocking up on Kris Kringle goodies and another few lip glosses for yourself. Don't forget to add your name to the mailing list while you are there as they seem to have these sales a couple of times a year and they are worth it every time. Well off for a cup of tea, after all that excitement.
Ciao from B&G